As the days go on, everyday gets busier. Household chores, Hevyn, some part time jobs, and some of dh's heart warming project to help a friend who is in need... these are only some of the things that takes my time. I still feel depressed (due to PPD) at times, and the more I feel depressed the more I try to isolate myself from a lot of people I know - my social absence with them has given them time to develop the wrong impression of me being unfriendly . The impression turned into false rumors and now into really dirty gossips, which I think is not really healthy.
I'm venting here because I know they wouldn't be reading my blog anyway unless they know I do blog. At a point I do hope they stumble upon this blog and read this. There's a feeling that I wanted to confront them but I don't want anything hurtful to come out of my mouth, and the thought of an argument which might end up to contention involving a lot of people doesn't really fit my personality. It feels like I'm a hollywood star, they are the producer of course. The production will never be a hit, with the contract unsigned, story unacted by the actress.
How could someone find pleasure making up stories and spreading it. As President Benson said, "We are tempted daily to elevate ourselves above others and diminish them." Gossip is another face of pride we should never welcome, and if it ever knocks on our doors we should put end to it and not pass it on.

Gossip is another face of PRIDE- the universal sin, the great vice. It is the same pride (or gossip) that offends people, cause contention, results to broken families, destroys our relationship with our friends and those we love, it is that destroyed the Jaredites, Nephites and many civilizations in the scriptures. Most of us think of pride as self-centeredness, conceit, boastfulness, arrogance, or haughtiness. All of these are elements of the sin, but the heart, or core, is still missing. "It is manifest in so many ways, such as faultfinding, gossiping, backbiting, murmuring, living beyond our means, envying, coveting, withholding gratitude and praise that might lift another, and being unforgiving and jealous."-(Beware of Pride- E.T. Benson)
It results in secret combination to get power or gain the glory of the world.
Gossip is a very hurtful and destructive thing you wouldn't want to get your hands dirty with. Lets get rid of it, and try to find and share good things about others instead. There's really nothing good we can get from it.

For the natural man is an enemy to Him...and the brothers and sisters and cousins of Pride are examples of being a natural man. Let get rid of being natural, let us be the kind of person HF wants us to be.
what an in-depth reflection about gossip, an intelligent post.
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