Sunday, March 17, 2013

What Better Use Of Spare Time

The other day, we had another interesting conversation with some friends. I was intrigued about what was shared about time. How time can be used in vain doing nothing, and how we could also use our time doing something productive for ourselves, or a better use could be doing something better to serve others and develop the virtue in our self.

All of us wanted to live each day and be a better person. We choose to do things we like, some would rather choose to do productive things and be crafty, some choose to give their time to others by service.   Most of my time in a day is spent with my kids in the house, once the kids go on their afternoon nap- that's my time out/ break time. What do I do with my extra time when that happens? Here are some; I wash the laundry, clean the floor, the washing area, or bake some cake- it's my stress reliever. About two months ago, I was constantly whining, well I am still whining at times. I did a self evaluation and realized I lived more than a quarter century in this world and I want to be able to contribute something really really good to the community and start something. I whine because I blame it for being here and living in a box of sand where I feel so much deprived as woman.  Association with other women here almost seem impossible, I wish I could be as creative as my husband who could always make a group and find something meaningful to do together for others who are in need, or do something for the environment here. There's just too much that could be done here but my feelings towards starting something are described in these words: "scared, deprived, underprivileged". But if I could have a time out and be as free as woman can be in other parts of the world, I really want to do some environmental and welfare work. I wanted to come out during the day and start campaigning or rally around so they will stop cutting the branches of those bushes and few trees around, or limit the use of those plastic bags in the supermarket and encourage people to bring a reusable shopping bag;  I want to rally or make awareness campaign about smoking and file petition to ban smoking inside the malls or shopping centers in Saudi because it is very unhealthy and even kids health are posed to the health danger of it every time they go to the malls. There are so much more! Thinking realistic and feasible, what better thing could I do now? I realized the best thing I could do is spend time with my kids and have a meaningful relationship with them,    teach them the things I know, and hope someday what I taught them will be the legacy I could leave not only for them but also for my posterity. So, yes we're starting a mini garden in our small patio, and we're recycling those empty water bottles - we're doing as part of our playtime.  ;-)