My dh is always annoyed with my cellphone. Its just that the battery is always dead, and most of the times the battery dies at the middle of a phone conversation, or sometimes even before I answer it. Now, he decided he has to buy me a new one instead of just changing the battery. Hmmm, now I know what to do if I want to change my cellphone's unit model, lol. Do you recommend any particular brand and model? I think I like the pink i-phone above.
Anyway, our conversation regarding to buy or not to buy a new cellphone has brought me to reflect something about batteries and cellphones.
A friend of mine always reminds me, "there is no battery needed to pray, there is no such thing as no signal or out of network coverage area,". That may be true at a point. But today I want to emphasize, there needs to be a battery in our prayers, just like in our cellphones.
Without the battery, there will be no such thing called miracle, no such thing as answered prayer, no such thing as conversation with the Lord, not even a thing called prayer. Of course! Can you ever imagine yourself using a cellphone that has run out of battery? It can't be used to call nor to answer a call.
Some batteries may not be really dead, some are just weak, and some are really good.
There are batteries that can allow you to call for a short time, but will not allow you to furthermore hear the person on the other line because by the time he/she is about to answer the call, the cellphone's battery already run out.
Some batteries are good, it allows you to call, to complete the call, and for friends to call you too.
Some batteries just don't work anymore and needed to be recharged. It won't allow you to call or do anything with your cellphone.
Our faith is comparable to batteries. You will never intend to use your cellphone when the battery is already dead nor will a person pray when there is no faith. Some do have faith and do pray but when it comes to hearing the answer to their prayers they become deaf, and wouldn't hear it. All prayers are answered, it requires faith, an ear to hear and a long life battery to wait for the answer at times. At times, the signal is not good even though the battery is good. And at that point, maybe its time to move, look for a place where there is a good signal to tune us to the Holy Ghost, maybe we need to cleanse ourselves and make ourselves ready to hear the Lord.
Even if our battery is low, or dead, or the signal is bad; we can always recharge it, look for a place where the signal is good. And for sure the conversation will be clear, enough for us to ask, hear the answer and know what to do.
Before I end this post, I have a good news; it doesn't and wouldn't cost you anything to have a good battery for prayer. I agree, one of the best things in life and in the eternities are free, and if we don't have faith; even a desire to have faith will be enough. The testimony of others may initiate and nourish the desire for faith and testimony, but eventually every individual must find out for himself.
I personally know that miracles do happen, and all prayers are answered and it is through the power of faith.
Have to go and work out the i-phone with my dh....
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