Friday, February 1, 2013

Dressing to Give a Lasting Impression

Sometimes girls forget that what they do, the way they conduct themselves be it at home or in public sends signal as to how people will respect them. Actually it also shows how she respects herself, I will always admire a girl who can keep her standards in dressing modestly regardless of any place or occasion.

What should a girl do to get noticed by a decent and respectable man? A lot! But first she has to decided, in what way does she wants to get noticed? Clearly, dressing immodestly doesn't earn the respect of a man nor does it give a good impression. When a woman dress in a modest and decent manner, she can attract a decent man; on the other way a woman who dress immodestly can expect to attract a man in the same category who may fail to  respect women. 

I believe women can be attractive and look good no matter what their age through the way they dress up. I've known and seen many older women who dress up with glamour and sophistication, they look so decent and respectable with their modest clothing.