Friday, February 1, 2013

On Discipline

We had a great weekend today! The message and lesson we had today about women's potential and nurturing capabilities has kept me thinking about it until we got home.

My days are made busy and sometimes overwhelming with a very active growing little boy in our home. I actually had a nap today, and I woke up feeling exasperated because I dreamed about my little boy doing some more stunts and what we refer to as "daily disaster". In fact I used to take picture and tried starting a journal blog for my two kids which is often focused on his daily disastrous stunts like messing with the flour on our cupboard, climbing on our dining table to spill the foods or drinks for fun, and I got tired and have given up recording those fun disasters with him. His disasters has turned out to be our amusement as we talk about it at night and look at his face caught in the act for those fun but not so fun to clean messy disasters. 

Sometimes disciplining kids are tricky for me, I often shout out of surprise or desperation and sometimes anger. The truth is I need to develop more patience and gentleness when it comes to reproving them. And I always reason out for my bad temper and I feel bad about it after few minutes which I think is good because at least I could explain to Hevyn my reaction and hope its not too late, nobody really wants to hurt the precious child's heart. I don't want them to be rebellious because of the way they get treated when being disciplined. 

Disciplining our kids is never easy. I think it is more challenging for parents as they learn more valuable virtues while they rear and teach kids. In the end sometimes it is really the parents who should learn more, and what we learn as parents can actually matter more than the small things we want our kids to learn. 

It is always important to seek the guidance of the Holy Ghost in all things we do. The boundaries between being so harsh and reproving kids with sharpness can only be distinguished by how we feel inside us and how we are guided by Holy Ghost as we teach kids the right way. And sometimes we can note that kids learn more with gentleness and patience rather than by punishment or nagging.