Sunday, February 24, 2013

Parenting Style

I have a loud voice- when I get surprised or get caught in a really pleasant and unpleasant situation I scream and yell most of the time.

Imagine how uncontrollable our kids are at home. I always complain how hard headed they are, or should I say strong willed kids. They would always do what they want no matter what it takes. I always hope they would be obedient and just obey every command I make, like a puppet, which I learned shouldn't be the case. And to think I am hard headed too and it's something they got from me -I should not deny it.

Anyway, with the house looking like it's been hit by hurricane I'm always caught off guard with my screaming and yelling capability on the run. A whole day of cleaning and with a snap they could make it look like it hasn't been cleaned for an entire week. In my case, my mind spins like the way the house looks like. So if you want me to be calm and sane you have to keep with me by organizing and tidying things up. So my dear husband noticed how loud my scream gets every time the kids surprises me with their disastrous stunts. He said, it will be better to control and keep my voice really low for the kids sake, and it might have a psychological impact on them too. The submissive wife of course promised to be mindful and expect that every moment has disaster that I need to accept and be prepared for the contingencies. The other day, I left him in-charged of our little boy, the one that has ants in his pants. He gave him orange juice and tried to keep the boy busy by feeding him most of the time. I then decided to do my kitchen chores, and suddenly I heard a yell, "No, stop!", and another scream "oh no!". What happened? He came running looking for some rugs, orange juice all over the floor. The little boy, smirking, then gave some giggles. He tilted his cup of orange juice little by little upwards and didn't listen to the father in spite of his big loud "NO". I didn't say a word right then, but I can't help laughing. Now, we're still trying to not yell or scream when things starts to happen, we both try our best.