Thursday, December 4, 2008

Another Day To Remember

Today, after I bathe my seven-month old daughter, I made sure there's no box of pretzels or anything that she might reach and mess with. She's dressed, clean and there's no chocolate around, I placed her in her walker and off I go cleaning the bathroom. Few minutes and I'm finished, she's not crying as I can hear she's even humming happily. As I entered the room I saw her in the corner of her closet, her clothes messed around and she's waving a plastic bag to me with a smile.
What happened, it's as if somebody ransacked the room? I placed some of her small clothes in a plastic bag for me to sort out. She managed to reach it, I know I didn't close the bag which is really full but I can't figure out how she manage to get everything out and spin the clothes around, its a bit heavy for someone her size.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Happy Pretzel Day

There are tons of clothes that needs to be washed today. I first bathe Hevyn, and then dressed her and started washing the clothes. I put her in our bed and put lots of pillows around and gave her some toys. As I was washing, she seems too quiet so I didn't bother what she is doing. I thought she was just playing with her toys. When I entered the room, I found her not with the toys, but with the box of pretzels her father bought last night, she reached for it because Kenji put it beside the bed. When I took the box, it was empty already, the pretzel sticks are all in our bed, chocolates melted staining the bed sheet and pillow cases. Her face covered with chocolate, as well as her  dress and her hands holding lots of pretzel sticks and licking on it at the same time.
Now, I have to do another batch of laundry and wash the bed sheet as well as the pillow cases and blanket which are full of chocolate stains from the pretzels.
The mess is outrageous, I can't help but smile. She has grown up fast. She's now capable of messing around the house.
When I look at her, she just smiled and continued on her pretzel fantacy.

Monday, November 24, 2008

My Failure As A Wife

When food gets burned, or too salty or bland, or sometimes we just can't explain why we still call it food I'm glad I can still make some "decent" meals and have control of other things.I have to admit, I often try to justify to my husband these unfortunate events and I try to convince him and myself that the things that go wrong aren't all my fault. But this time there is no way out, I have damage nearly everything, from his socks to his favorite shirts even his bath towel 90% of his clothes are faded looking like I tie-dyed them. Last week he bought another shirt, so he could have something that doesn't look tie-dyed. I washed it on Thursday and as usual it looks tie-dyed again. This time this is not an excuse, but honestly I didn't put bleach on it nor on the past laundry, I changed my detergent powder for the third time because some friends here said it also happens when they wash their clothes and the powdered detergent has lots of bleach on it. Still I'm getting the same faded-tie-dyed results. I still don't know what the culprit is, but I'm starting to blame the water now.  It smells like there's too much chlorine or bleach on it. 
Five months ago I noticed  my baby had dry and rough skin and she smells more like bleach after bathing. So, I started using the drinking water to bathe her... (if ever you are reading this, yes that explains why our consumption of commercialized drinking water is like that, but you have to thank me, she doesn't smell like bleach and her skin never gets dry like before). Maybe I have to test my theory about the tap water and try to wash our clothes with the drinking water now, but that will be too expensive I guess... yeah I know its not a "guess", its a fact. 
Yesterday he looks mad, just half (50%) mad because he's afraid it will make him look old if he ever gets mad(100%). But I completely understand how it feels when you bought something and not being able to wear it decently, I also ruined one of my favorite pink dress after the third time I wash it, it just happened that he wasn't able to wear it decent not even for the first time. He still has one favorite shirt that's not damaged and I'm looking forward to not damaging it when I wash it today. And if ever it will end up looking tie-dyed again, I think I'll be doomed.
Maybe I have to try to hand wash it? Or maybe I can start selling tie-dyed shirts now. 
At least with my failures in laundrying, I get the assurance that I'm still human and not a Stafford wife. I wonder if Stafford wives wash with their hands or they use washing machine? 
One way or another I promise I'll take control of the laundry too, if I have I'll use the commercial drinking water and find other ways of doing the laundry. And maybe try to invent some type of clothing that doesn't get faded even if I wash it with bleach instead of water and detergent. Oh if I can clone clothes then he doesn't have to know what happened, and I don't have to worry what will happen the next time I do the laundry.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

What Is The Little Lady Thinking?

Last week while a nurse was getting blood sample for my CBC test, we had this cute experience with our little lady who is turning 7 months few days from then. She has this amusing stare at me and the nurse, her eyebrows raised as usual. As soon as the nurse pricked my arms with needles she screamed cheering happily. When the nurse was done, she clapped her hands. The nurse herself can't help laughing. We don't know what to think, does she have a clue what's going on?

She's now seven months, able to sit without support. She still enjoys sleeping with us and trying to call papa once she knows he has fallen to sleep, while her little hands clung to his arms and sometimes tapping him on his back. That's her way of telling him wake up we're not done playing papa.

Above is her 7 month birthday picture taken after we arrived home from our whole day visit at Ate Cris' house. 

Saturday, November 1, 2008

A Thought About My Family

Three days ago while we were walking along the many stores in Al Khobar and dh is pushing the  stroller,  Hevyn  reached my abaya(black muslim gown worn by women), later she was holding my finger and we were holding hands while walking. I told dh to take a look at us, the people on the streets are also looking at me and my 6 month old daughter on how sweet she holds my hand while she is being pushed on her stroller and I walk beside. Of course dh was jealous of me because Hevyn doesn't want him to touch her hand what more to hold hands with him.
Yesterday, Friday, wasn't as good as three days ago. I'm trying to nurse Hevyn to get her to sleep, but because she ate a lot of soup  she refused to be nursed. There are times like that, and no matter what I do, there is no place like papapa's arms. Dh took her, and in no less than five minutes she's not moving but her pulse are good, she's sleeping I can't believe it. I must admit, I can't get her to sleep without nursing her and dh can do it without difficulty. Well, I think Hevyn is not treating me unfairly with it, because once she wakes up and I'm not around no matter what papapa does she wouldn't stop crying but once she sees me, crying is over mama is here.
There is a big difference between a mother and a father, they do have different roles to fill inside the home particularly in rearing children. Both have unique yet equally imporytant roles. For Hevyn, mama is the great friend and food, and papapa is the great playmate and sleeping bed. 
I must admit, there are times that she just wants her father, and there are times that its me and not her father.  

 "By divine design, fathers are to preside over their families in love and righteousness and are responsible to provide the necessities of life and protection for their families. Mothers are primarily responsible for the nurture of their children. In these sacred responsibilities, fathers and mothers are obligated to help one another as equal partners."

By divine design man and woman have different responsibilities inside the home, we cannot change nor justify it with same-sex marriage. 

This is not a battle on equality, this is about morality. Equality and balance comes as husband and wife fills their unique roles and responsibilities in the home.

To those who say that traditional marriage cannot and will not be affected by same-sex-marriage. I can't imagine raising my child in a society where same-sex marriage is legally accepted, and yet teach my child about morality, chastity, and the importance of family in the divine plan of happiness. How do we sustain a law that we believe is not teaching the  moral principles of marriage and directly contradicts the teachings of Jesus Christ?

Proposition 8 is not a discrimination to homosexuals. But same sex marriage is immoral conduct, and this is not what we wanted to teach our children. We wanted to teach our children to abhor sin, and to learn to love everyone as a child of God. And loving means teaching the right ways, and guiding if necessary toward what is right.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Same Sex Marriage, A Civil Right?

Today I felt compelled to say something about my stand, about what I believe regarding the issue of same sex marriage.

For the past couple of weeks, I've read blog posts regarding Proposition 8, and the legalization of same sex marriage. There are those who view it at as a civil right, some said its a matter of freedom to choose who you want to marry- and everyone both the religious and civil group should have that freedom to exercise marriage in their own way. 

Is same-sex marriage a matter of civil right?

Way back in 1999, Pres. Gordon B. Hinckley has addressed this issue and this is what he has said:

"Some portray legalization of so-called same-sex marriage as a civil right. This is not a matter of civil rights; it is a matter of morality. Others question our constitutional right as a church to raise our voice on an issue that is of critical importance to the future of the family. We believe that defending this sacred institution by working to preserve traditional marriage lies clearly within our religious and constitutional prerogatives. Indeed, we are compelled by our doctrine to speak out.
Nevertheless, and I emphasize this, I wish to say that our opposition to attempts to legalize same-sex marriage should never be interpreted as justification for hatred, intolerance, or abuse of those who profess homosexual tendencies, either individually or as a group. As I said from this pulpit one year ago, our hearts reach out to those who refer to themselves as gays and lesbians. We love and honor them as sons and daughters of God. They are welcome in the Church. It is expected, however, that they follow the same God-given rules of conduct that apply to everyone else, whether single or married.

I commend those of our membership who have voluntarily joined with other like-minded people to defend the sanctity of traditional marriage. As part of a coalition that embraces those of other faiths, you are giving substantially of your means. The money being raised in California has been donated to the coalition by individual members of the Church. You are contributing your time and talents in a cause that in some quarters may not be politically correct but which nevertheless lies at the heart of the Lord’s eternal plan for His children, just as those of many other churches are doing. This is a united effort.

...We regard it as not only our right but our duty to oppose those forces which we feel undermine the moral fiber of society. Much of our effort, a very great deal of it, is in association with others whose interests are similar. We have worked with Jewish groups, Catholics, Muslims, Protestants, and those of no particular religious affiliation, in coalitions formed to advocate positions on vital moral issues. Such is currently the case in California, where Latter-day Saints are working as part of a coalition to safeguard traditional marriage from forces in our society which are attempting to redefine that sacred institution. God-sanctioned marriage between a man and a woman has been the basis of civilization for thousands of years. There is no justification to redefine what marriage is. Such is not our right, and those who try will find themselves answerable to God...

...We shall go on pursuing the path which the Lord has marked out before us. We shall try to be strong and faint not as we pursue those programs and practices which have been established and maintained through generations of time."

The world is constantly changing, at least let our voices be heard. That is our right. And we have to do something, because somehow what's going to happen will have a great impact on the kind of world where our posterity is going to live. Could we afford to let it just happen when we can do something now? If we want to make the world a better place, specially for the future generation we have to uphold the moral values of our society.

Together with Paula of A-Large Room I say this to you:

" In our society, it is our children, born and unborn, who bear those consequences. Our nation was founded on principles of freedom, virtue and self-sacrifice. We who hold its destiny in our hands today. We, who will determine the world our children will grow up in and inherit, need to embrace all three of those values. Sometimes what I want must be set aside in favor of what my society needs. And right now our society does not need for the meaning of marriage to be further diluted. Marriage, as the life-long union of a man and a woman who will bear and raise the next generation of children, must be preserved. We cannot afford the loss of meaning that will occur if we re-define marriage to include same-sex (and inherently infertile) relationships. We as individuals make choices. We as a society also have a choice to make. We must choose the future. Support America's families. Support America's future. Please vote yes to protect traditional marriage in California, Florida and Arizona."

YES on California Proposition 8
YES on Arizona Proposition 102
YES on Florida Proposition 2

Sunday, October 26, 2008

She Call's Him Papapa

Hevyn turned 6 months last Oct. 15. She's now a talkative darling. I don't know how she learned it, on her fourth month she first said "mama" while we we're staring at the closet mirror with Winnie the Pooh sticker. She touched the sticker and said "mama"- obviously that's not "mama", but at least she learned now that I am "mama". When she turned 5 months, she became more talkative and seemed to immitate a conversation with us by mumbling (really sounds like she's conversing with us). That's when she learned how to call her father "papapa" in a very sweet darling tone as if saying "helo". Since she's a baby, we're trying to teach her to call him "dada", but this is how she wanted to call him "papapa"....
We co-sleep by the way, and every morning she wakes up she would touch my face and hold my messy hair and say "mama, mama". How sweet, it just feels like heaven to wake up this way. In the afternoon, my dh also takes a nap once he gets home and Hevyn does the same to him, of course he wouldn't be able to sleep. Her sweetness just makes us want to play with her more.
Home is truly a heaven on earth. I couldn't ask for more. I'm grateful for my dear husband who's working really hard to sustain us with our needs. Of course I could choose to work prestigiously as an accountant here. But its truly a blessing to be a stay at home wife and be able to take care of my families needs personally,  see my daughter grow each day and be there for her anytime she needs me.  

Monday, October 6, 2008

72 Hour Kit Haunts Me In My Dreams

My dh is always amazed by how I can remember dreams that I have each night, sometimes I can tell him 3 different dreams I had at the same night. Anyway, for many months I keep on dreaming about calamities happening back in Philippines, sometimes earthquakes, hurricane, flood, etch. And in all of those dreams I'm always left behind carrying 72 hour kit or looking for it. I always tell my dh to help me organize our 72 hour bag in case whatever happens we can pick it up quickly, and he always responds yes but I'm still the only one who ends up organizing it. Maybe its my paranoia why I always dream about it.
Last night I dreamed about it again, there was a fire and the whole city is burning. People are running here and there and as usual I'm carrying our 72 hour bag. I was left behind and I'm looking for my dh and baby who run their way without anything, my greatest worry was that they don't have any food and water with them. There was even one dream when I was pushing a small food storage full of foods and water and some people are asking me to share some water with them because they were'nt able to bring any with them. 
You might be wond'ring that I have a 72 hour bag well prepared... sorry but you are wrong. These are the only things I have in the bag:
  • all our important documents in two plastic folders wrapped in plastic bag
  • some canned foods, (2 cans tuna, 2 cans sardines)
  • 3 bars of chocolate and a pack of dried fruits
  • flashlight
  • first aid medicines (band aid, alcohol prep pads, paracetamol tablets, ibufropen)
Today I've decided I have to add other things I might as well need:
  •  3 pcs baby blankets and some baby clothes, wet wipes and 9 pcs. diapers
  • 2 big blankets for the family
  • 500 grams corn flakes cereals 
  • 2 cans whole kernel corn 
  • lighter and candle
  • jewelries and some money
  • paper, pen, pocket knife and lots of plastic sheets
  • disposable dish utensils for 3 days
And together with these I have a 2.5 galoon water we can easily pick at the kitchen.

"Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints have been counseled to have a food storage and be prepared for an emergency which includes having a 72 hour kit. This kit should be put together in a practical manner so that you can carry it with you if you ever need to evacuate your home. It is also important to prepare one for each member of your family who is able to carry one."

Now I'm worry free and I hope this 72 hour bag won't haunt me in my dreams anymore. I don't know if I've forgotten anything, please leave a comment if you have additional suggestions. Thanks in advance.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Cleaning The House The Easier Way

There are quite many things that keeps me busy lately, first is my growing daughter who is really very very active that I have to keep my eye on because I'll never know or figure out what she'll be doing. And of course, if I say taking care of my daughter and my husband, I can never ever separate that from cleaning the house. Now, I have so many excuses why I have to spend more time in the kitchen, in the bathroom and  in the house just to keep it clean and as much as possible not germ over- populated! lol.
People change, I don't know what's going on with me, I wasn't like this before. A huge difference to what I was when I'm still single, I would admit that I'm very disorganized back then. I would do the cleaning and other household chores routinely after I got home from work and there are "that" that I simply forget. You know what I mean, in other words I never get anything finished as in finished. But life does change, and now I'm no longer my normal self (I guess). "Germs" and "bacteria" had been part of my daily vocabulary. lol. And killing them had been part of my daily action.
Anyway, here are five cleaning tips I learned as a home maker.
  • A galoon of water mixed with half cup of baking soda and disinfectant cleaner can keep your floor (tiles or linoleum) germ free and well polished.
  • Vinegar diluted with water does great polishing job for your faucets, sink and stainless fixtures.
  • Alcohol can be diluted with water to clean and disinfect (but a no no for plastic varnished furnitures).
  • The best way to clean mirrors is to use a damp cloth, wipe it and wipe dry with newspaper. You don't only clean, you also recycle.
  • To keep your bathroom mildew free and, its good to wipe it dry everyday or at least two times a week. I use a dishwashing scrubbing pad, detergent cleaner, and after washing the walls wipe it dry. This way you don't have to do it the hard way when mildews and soap scums has started to build up. 
  • When you fry or saute in the kitchen it's good to wipe the walls and fixtures near your cooking are with detergent and some diluted vinegar to avoid the build up of oil. I used to place some wall papers or plain papers on top of kitchen cabinets, and have it regularly changed. 
As of now, my hardest challenge is folding the clothes and ironing it. I hope I'll find my own way of organizing it the easier way. sigh.

Thursday, September 4, 2008


As I was surfing the net, looking for ways on how I can earn money, I found a site that offers to pay just by using their search engine. They promise to split the revenue generated on bonafide searches on a 50/50 basis. Not bad though, I spend a lot of time on the internet searching and surfing websites and with this I can even get paid in (British Pounds). How much money received clearly depends upon how much you use the service for your typical day to day Internet searches. Of course I loose nothing if I sign up since it's completely free, so I did. Well, I like their service, the entire website is working on many improvements like blog page, and personalized e-store. I'm really excited for their other services. Right now they are offering a personalized homepage where you can put what they call "gadgets", I've chosen a (1.) Youtube search engine for my convenience, (2.) webpage mp3 player so I don't have to open another application to play my favorite music, (3.) currency converter, (4.) Giglish- for daily humor, (5.) instant wikipedia search engine, (6.) The Good Blogs- which is like my mini blog for my daily update on blogs, and finally (7.) To Do List -which allows me to keep in tract with the things that I have to do for the day ( I almost forgot, I have to finish my laundry before hubby gets home- thanks for the reminder). I found this really great. And you can also personalized it with online games!
And by the way, they are using yahoo as the search engine and other gadgets are from google. Its worth a try, and it still gives the option for you to use your preffered search provider. The homepage loads very fast no matter how many gadgets I added.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Why There Is Pain And Suffering?

This is one of the best explanations of why God allows pain and suffering that I have seen...

A man went to a barbershop to have his hair cut and his beard trimmed.
As the barber began to work, they began to have a good conversation.
They talked about so many things and various subjects.
When they eventually touched on the subject of God, the barber said:
"I don't believe that God exists."

"Why do you say that?" asked the customer. "Well, you just have to go out in the street to realize that God doesn't exist.
Tell me, if God exists, would there be so many sick people?
Would there be abandoned children?

If God existed, there would be neither suffering nor pain.
I can't imagine a loving God who would allow all of these things."
The customer thought for a moment, but didn't respond because he didn't want to start an argument.
The barber finished his job and the customer left the shop.

Just after he left the barbershop, he saw a man in the street with long, stringy, dirty hair and an untrimmed beard.
He looked dirty and unkempt. The customer turned back and entered the barber shop again and he said to the barber:
"You know what? Barbers do not exist."
"How can you say that?" asked the surprised barber.
"I am here, and I am a barber. And I just worked on you!"
"No!" the customer exclaimed. "Barbers don't exist because
if they did, there would be no people with dirty long hair and untrimmed beards, like that man outside."

"Ah, but barbers DO exist! That's what happens when people do not come to me."
"Exactly!" affirmed the customer. "That's the point! God, too, DOES exist!
That's what happens when people do not go to Him and don't look to Him for help.
That's why there's so much pain and suffering in the world."

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Invest In Bonds

One of the things I really want to do if I have a good amount of capital is invest in bonds. My Financial Accounting Professor has shared to us how profitable it had been for her because bonds typically have a predictable stream of payments and repayment of principal and it also yields a good interest income. It is far more dependable in maintaining your capital compared to stocks and equity securities now that economy is unpredictably fluctuating.
Anyway, this blog post is not intended to persuade you to invest in such, I'm referring to other bond investment. How about investing your time to bond with your family?
I really appreciate my husband for taking me out every week to eat out, stroll in the mall, do shopping together. I know he is investing so much time doing it, instead of staying in the house after a long day of work. So, if you notice he wasn't able to post much as he does sometimes, he is investing time on us. It can be a good option for your 'Monday, Family Home Evening Day'.
We keep this habit of investing bonds with family members and hope to make this traditional to our family/ posterity. It helps a lot to strengthen the family, continues the courtship for mom and dad too.
Not a bad investment, in fact we consider it the best investment. And I assure there is no loss here. David O. McKay said "No success can compensate for failure in the home," and we do know this is true. While we work, we do this for our family for their comfort and security, but there are times we forget the real reason. Isn't it all for our family? Should they be in mercy of the time you have for other things?

Here are some of the things we can do with our loved ones.
  • Family Home Evening- A once a week time to play with your family members, share some life's lesson with them, and counsel together about decisions and other family matters.
  • Dinner with them- a simple yet good investment of your time. You may be too busy with business meetings, but aren't your family as important as your business associates or whoever. There are things talked in the dinner table you might also miss out.
  • Bring your family to the mall or anywhere each family member enjoys to be. Why would I forget going to mall, I love shopping or window shopping. Its our weekly date.
  • Camp with your kids or family- it provides opportunity to teach them and bond with them. It's wholesome, and fun too.
  • Whatever you enjoy doing together as family, do it!
I really love to invest in bonds, it is profitable and eternally rewarding. The payoffs start now and continues to eternity....

(click for larger view)

Friday, August 8, 2008

Heavenne Laughs!

Does anybody notice that today in Saudi Arabia and in all the world, is


08 August, 2008?

Record some memorable things that will happen today.

for us, we would like to share to you Heavenne, our 3 months old baby's hysterical laugh uploaded in Youtube.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

How's Your Battery?

My dh is always annoyed with my cellphone. Its just that the battery is always dead, and most of the times the battery dies at the middle of a phone conversation, or sometimes even before I answer it. Now, he decided he has to buy me a new one instead of just changing the battery. Hmmm, now I know what to do if I want to change my cellphone's unit model, lol. Do you recommend any particular brand and model? I think I like the pink i-phone above.
Anyway, our conversation regarding to buy or not to buy a new cellphone has brought me to reflect something about batteries and cellphones.
A friend of mine always reminds me, "there is no battery needed to pray, there is no such thing as no signal or out of network coverage area,". That may be true at a point. But today I want to emphasize, there needs to be a battery in our prayers, just like in our cellphones.
Without the battery, there will be no such thing called miracle, no such thing as answered prayer, no such thing as conversation with the Lord, not even a thing called prayer. Of course! Can you ever imagine yourself using a cellphone that has run out of battery? It can't be used to call nor to answer a call.
Some batteries may not be really dead, some are just weak, and some are really good.
There are batteries that can allow you to call for a short time, but will not allow you to furthermore hear the person on the other line because by the time he/she is about to answer the call, the cellphone's battery already run out.
Some batteries are good, it allows you to call, to complete the call, and for friends to call you too.
Some batteries just don't work anymore and needed to be recharged. It won't allow you to call or do anything with your cellphone.
Our faith is comparable to batteries. You will never intend to use your cellphone when the battery is already dead nor will a person pray when there is no faith. Some do have faith and do pray but when it comes to hearing the answer to their prayers they become deaf, and wouldn't hear it. All prayers are answered, it requires faith, an ear to hear and a long life battery to wait for the answer at times. At times, the signal is not good even though the battery is good. And at that point, maybe its time to move, look for a place where there is a good signal to tune us to the Holy Ghost, maybe we need to cleanse ourselves and make ourselves ready to hear the Lord.
Even if our battery is low, or dead, or the signal is bad; we can always recharge it, look for a place where the signal is good. And for sure the conversation will be clear, enough for us to ask, hear the answer and know what to do.
Before I end this post, I have a good news; it doesn't and wouldn't cost you anything to have a good battery for prayer. I agree, one of the best things in life and in the eternities are free, and if we don't have faith; even a desire to have faith will be enough. The testimony of others may initiate and nourish the desire for faith and testimony, but eventually every individual must find out for himself.
I personally know that miracles do happen, and all prayers are answered and it is through the power of faith.
Have to go and work out the i-phone with my dh....

Saturday, August 2, 2008

7 Habits of Really Effective Shopper

Are you one amongst those who really takes the time shopping? Or one who gets bored with your companion who spends too much time shopping? I remember how my dh complains about how long it takes for me to shop for something. But no matter how he complains I don't intend to change the way it is. Why? I think its part of being a good shopper. So here are some reasons why you should really take time shopping.

1. If you really want to save money for your grocery, you have to be familiar and aware how prices of products ranges from different grocery stores or super markets. There are products that are cheaper here than there. If you don't need it now, why not wait when you come to the other store or super market so you can save.

2. Be smart and consider your health, you've got to know what's in the food you are taking/eating. It's a habbit I got from my dear aunt and mother. Check out the ingredients and take time to compare each brand. The "nutrition facts" are great facts/ information for your calories and nutritional intake.

3. Shopping for clothes, shoes and accessories gives me a chance to tour the entire mall or malls in the area. Why should you spend too much when other boutiques have on sale items. And why hurry buying your clothes if other stores have better designs at cheaper price. Some expensive brands/lines of clothing put items on sale so customers can afford it- be aware and be the first to come!

4. Don't be an impulse buyer. Not all things on sale are cheap, some stores put mark up on prices before going on sale, and it doesn't make the price low. Be smart and know what's expensive and where you can save. And did you ever buy a good brand of dress which they put on sale but later found out you wouldn't want to wear it? Or did you ever bought a last pair of shoe on sale? And found out, it doesn't fit nicely because its only close to your real size.

5. Take time to ask the sales person about the product. If its an electronic, know where it was made, is the spare parts available in case you need it? Warranty? Is there a service center for it? Not all things are written in the user's manual. If you are buying bags, know the quality of what you buy. Is it leather or synthetic, if you don't know why not ask. Some bags are too expensive simply because of style and brand name but are nothing when you talk of quality. We should never compromise quality over fashion.

6. Brands does matter. Sometimes it can make your item expensive, but some brands are consumer tested and the quality is superb compared to other brands. It is better to spend a little more on something that would last longer. So take time investigating which brand is preffered by the consumers. I don't mean that you have to make a feasibility study, but you can ask friends. An electrician friend for electronics, or someone good in computers for computers and laptops, a fashionable friend for your fashion items and so forth....

7. Sometimes it really takes more than one- store- visit to decide which one to buy, specially if you are buying something that costs a lot of money. Product reviews are helpful so why not take time to check it online too.

Hmmm... I thinks that's all I can suggest. Do you have other shopping tips to add on this?

I hope you take the time, be smart and enjoy your shopping!

Good luck and hope these ease your shopping dilemma.

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Hopeless Dawn—Joyful Morning

With all things happening in this world, wars, contentions between nations, calamities, despair and so forth... is there a way to find peace and happiness? Is there still a way to have faith that there is God who watches over us? 

I have witnessed the sorrow of many who have lost their loved ones, this blog entry is my response to their sorrow. And I hoped that they will find hope and comfort here.

Thomas S. Monson said:"...For countless others who have loved and lost dear ones, each dawn is hopeless. Such is the experience of those who regard the grave as the end and immortality as but a dream.

The famed scientist Madame Marie Curie returned to her home the night of the funeral for her husband, Pierre Curie, who was killed in an accident in the streets of Paris, and made this entry in her diary: “They filled the grave and put sheaves of flowers on it. Everything is over. Pierre is sleeping his last sleep beneath the earth. It is the end of everything, everything, everything.”

The atheist Bertrand Russell adds his testament: “No fire, no heroism, no integrity of thought and feeling can preserve an individual life beyond the grave.” And Schopenhauer, the German philosopher and pessimist, was even more bitter. He wrote: “To desire immortality is to desire the eternal perpetuation of a great mistake.”

In reality, every thoughtful person has asked himself this question: Does the life of man continue beyond the grave?

Death comes to all mankind. It comes to the aged as they walk on faltering feet. Its summons is heard by those who have scarcely reached midway in life’s journey, and often it hushes the laughter of little children. Death is one tragic fact that no one can escape or deny...

Frequently, death comes as an intruder. It is an enemy that suddenly appears in the midst of life’s feast, putting out its lights and gaiety. Death lays its heavy hand upon those dearest to us and at times leaves us baffled and wondering. In certain situations, as in great suffering and illness, death comes as an angel of mercy. But for the most part we think of it as the enemy of human happiness...

But what of today? Is there comfort for the grieving heart? ...

The darkness of death can ever be dispelled by the light of revealed truth. “I am the resurrection, and the life,” spoke the Master; “he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live:

“And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die.” (John 11:25–26.)

This reassurance, yes, even holy confirmation of life beyond the grave, could well be the peace promised by the Savior when He assured his disciples: “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.” (John 14:27.)

“Ye believe in God, believe also in me.

“In my Father’s house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you … that where I am, there ye may be also.” (John 14:1–3.)

Out of the darkness and horror of Calvary came the voice of the Lamb, saying, “Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit.” (Luke 23:46.) And the dark was no longer dark, for He was with His Father. He had come from God, and to God he had returned. So also those who walk with God in this earthly pilgrimage know from blessed experience that He will not abandon His children who trust in Him. In the night of death His presence will be “better than a light and safer than a known way.”

The reality of the resurrection was voiced by the martyr Stephen as he looked upward and cried: “I see the heavens opened, and the Son of man standing on the right hand of God.” (Acts 7:56.)

Saul, on the road to Damascus, had a vision of the risen, exalted Christ. Later, as Paul, defender of truth and fearless missionary in the service of the Master, he bore witness of the risen Lord as he declared to the Saints at Corinth: “Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; … he was buried, and … rose again the third day according to the scriptures: … he was seen of Cephas, then of the twelve:

“After that, he was seen of above five hundred brethren at once. … He was seen of James; then of all the apostles.

“And last of all he was seen of me.” (1 Cor. 15:3–8.)

In our dispensation this same testimony was spoken boldly by the Prophet Joseph Smith, as he and Sidney Rigdon testified: “And now, after the many testimonies which have been given of him, this is the testimony, last of all, which we give of him: That he lives!

“For we saw him, even on the right hand of God; and we heard the voice bearing record that he is the Only Begotten of the Father—

“That by him, and through him, and of him, the worlds are and were created, and the inhabitants thereof are begotten sons and daughters unto God.” (D&C 76:22–24.)

This is the knowledge that sustains. This is the truth that comforts. This is the assurance that guides those bowed down with grief out of the shadows and into the light.

Such help is not restricted to the elderly, the well educated, or a select few. It is available to all.

Some years ago, the Salt Lake City newspapers published an obituary notice of a close friend—a mother and wife taken by death in the prime of her life. I visited the mortuary and joined a host of persons gathered to express condolence to the distraught husband and motherless children. Suddenly the smallest child, Kelly, recognized me and took my hand in hers. “Come with me,” she said, and she led me to the casket in which rested the body of her beloved mother. “I’m not crying, Brother Monson, and neither must you. My mommy told me many times about death and life with Heavenly Father. I belong to my mommy and my daddy. We’ll all be together again.” The words of the Psalmist echoed to my soul: “Out of the mouth of babes … hast thou ordained strength.” (Ps. 8:2.)

Through tear-moistened eyes, I recognized a beautiful and faith-filled smile. For my young friend, whose tiny hand yet clasped mine, there would never be a hopeless dawn. Sustained by her unfailing testimony, knowing that life continues beyond the grave, she, her father, her brothers, her sisters, and indeed all who share this knowledge of divine truth can declare to the world: “Weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning.” (Ps. 30:5.)

With all the strength of my soul, I testify that God lives, that His Beloved Son is the firstfruits of the resurrection, that the gospel of Jesus Christ is that penetrating light that makes of every hopeless dawn a joyful morning."

When I started this blog, I intend to share to people the things I know, the things I believe, things in my mind , and the story of our lives.

Today, I felt strongly about writing something about my faith, and I will do so from time to time whenever I feel like doing it.

This is the truth that I know, and this is what makes up my life.

I know that there is God, we are His children, and He has a plan for us. I know that life doesn't end when we die, but it must continue hereafter with our families. I know families are forever, and I'm thankful it is. This is not my belief, this is what I KNOW. 

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Easy Homemade Recipe To Pamper Your Tired Feet

After doing all the house chores, a time for some relaxation and pampering is all I want. But it doesn't mean you have to spend a lot of money pampering yourself with facial, or foot spa. You can always innovate and try something that will relax those muscles.
Let me share with you some tips to care and pamper your tired feet.
  • Begin with foot soak. Foot soak is done to soften the calluses and corns. I usually start this by massaging my feet with my favorite lotion or essential oil or baby oil (Or you can start by massaging your feet with petroleum jelly at night, cover it with socks and do the soaking and scrubbing the following morning).Then soak your feet in a basin or bath tub filled with "as hot as you can water" for 15 -30 minutes. You may want to add some sea salt to the water.
  • Its scrub time! Now that the calluses and corns have softened, we can start scrubbing them out. Here are some foot scrub recipes you can try...

Foot Scrub Recipe #1
Mix 2 tbsp. of baking soda, and 2 tbsp. olive oil/ essential oil/ baby oil . I recommend this specially if you have problems with foot odor.

Foot Scrub Recipe #2
Mix 3 tbsp. brown sugar or honey with 2 tbsp olive oil/ essential oil/ baby oil. This is specially good if you have cracked dry heels.

Foot Scrub Recipe #3
You can use St. Ives Exfoliating Apricot Moisturizing Body Wash (still not that expensive, after all its only the jojoba beads that I want from this). Followed by a mixture of 4 tbsp honey and 2 tbsp fresh milk. can start by gently massaging your feet , concentrating on areas with calluses and corns. Use pumice stone, rub it lightly back and forth to file the rough skin. If this is the first time you're doing this, don't force to smooth your feet . After scrubbing, rinse your feet with warm water and pat dry. Apply your favorite moisturizing lotion. You can repeat this 2 to 3 times a week.

If you have tips or recipes that you can share, or have done this, I would like to receive a feed back from you.

Have a happy feet day!!!!

Monday, July 28, 2008

Cooking In The Kitchen- Thank You Salt

One sure thing I do everyday is cooking. Of course, its a daily need that needed to be satisfied. This is also one thing that I have to adjust to when I got married more than a year ago. Back when I was still single and working, I'm used to eating out and cooking easily prepare meals. And when I say easily prepared meals, it means fried fish, stir fried vegetables of all kinds (whatever is available inside the fridge), and simply oatmeal or toasted bread for breakfast. It have to be less than 30 minute meal (that takes more than a Rachel Ray) as much as possible. Sadly, this is a no no when I married a man that really takes the effort and art in cooking meals. Anyway, its not that bad afterall. My mom has taught me how to cook some meals like soups, and also how to innovate them. Yes I can cook, its just that there are times that I'm too lazy to do the chopping, peeling, and etc. When I was pregnant, I have lots of reasons not to cook, or why I can't cook. But it's very different now that I have my baby. I breastfeed and so I have to make sure foods are cooked well, nutricious, clean and as much as possible no MSG in it!

In my effort, today I cooked" mung bean soup with chicken and alugbati leaves", it's introduced to me by my dear husband. I hate it when the vegetable I cook have soil on its leaves, but thanks a lot to salt. One thing I learned from my dear mother, washing vegetables thoroughly with water is not enough. After thorough washing with water, soaking the vegetables in water with lots of salt can wash dirts and etc. Try it, and you will see how salt gets the dirt from those leaves.

A lot of thank you  "salt", you don't only give spice and taste to the food I cook. You also makes sure that vegetables are well cleaned before I cook them. You are indeed a wonder, what will I do without you!

In Pursuit of a Noble Cause

Pete Rahon, an OFW, International Staff, and a blogger interview my husband Kenji about the Top 10 Pinoy Expats/OFW Search Project. I know my husband have a lot of discouraging moments and difficulties in pursuing this project but it's gaining ground and credibility. Just look at the following sponsors, Damuhan, The Filipino Web, WOW Pinoy, and now Pete, a famed Pinoy Blogger based in Gwangju : Jeolla : South Korea. Pete will be helping Kenji in the mechanics as well as in the selection process.

As far I know, Kenji is sending several sponsorship letters to award the top 10 winners, this is a project that has a lot of watch out to do and will definitely impact the pinoy blogging world so those of you who haven't taken part, come and let us join hands in this worthy cause we are in.

Here is the interview title Pete used in his blogsite OFW's Mga Bagong Bayani and it is also crossposted to his site Live Life! Love Life!

Saudi Based Pinoy Chemical Engineer Launches Search for the 2008 Top 10 Pinoy Expats/OFW Blog

Interview with an Overseas Filipino Worker (OFW) Series

"Finally my plan to feature OFW here had materialize with this interview with Jebee Kenji Solis. He has been blogging since 2005. This is how he describe his blog: "THOUGHTSKOTO is a jargon word for "these are my thoughts". Blog of a Young Filipino LDS Couple, living in Saudi Arabia. Thoughts and Musings about Life and Love, Trials and Challenges, Faith and Hope as we continue in our journey to FOREVER."

I was invited to nominate for the Top 10 Pinoy Expats/OFW Blog. I find the search interesting so I asked him if I can feature him on this blog and promote his initiative. Below is the interview of Kenji."

Here is the excerpt from question No. 7 of 9 Kenji was asked;

7) Tell us about the the search you launched on the Top 10 Pinoy Expats/OFW Blog?

"The top 10 Pinoy Expats/OFW Blog is a search contest. We would like to recognize and honor those Pinoy expats/OFW, more than 10 million of them working around the world who toils and work for their loved ones in the Philippines. We would like to highlight their stories and learn from their lessons through their blog. Considered as "Bagong Bayani" (new heroes) we ought to hear their voices and amplify them. So we can show that we care for them for they deserve to be heard and acknowledged. Since this is the first search the rule is very simple. Definitely we have some small prizes in stored for the top 10. We also have an icon or widget for nominees to display this contest to promote it. So for those who are interested to nominate Filipino expat/OFW bloggers please visit this site for more information:

We have already few sponsors and we are looking for more."

Read the rest of the entry. It is one of the best interview coz it tackles a variety of subjects with final note of the search project.


How Much Do You Make An Hour?

Here's a wonderfully inspiring story I read last night and just wanted to share with you. A great time to reflect, and don't forget it's family home evening day!

A man came home from work late again, tired and irritated, to find his 5-year-old son waiting for him at the door.

"Daddy, may I ask you a question?"
"Yeah sure, what is it?" replied the man.
"Daddy, how much do you make an hour?"
"That's none of your business. Why do you ask such a thing?" the man said angrily.

"I just want to know. Please tell me, how much do you make an hour?" pleaded the little boy.

"If you must know, I make $20 an hour."
"Oh," the little boy replied, with his head down. Looking up, he said, "Daddy, may I please borrow $10?"

The father was furious, "If the only reason you asked that is so you can borrow some money to buy a silly toy or some other nonsense, then you march yourself straight to your room and go to bed. Think about why you are being so selfish. I work long hard hours everyday and don't have time for such childish behavior."

The little boy quietly went to his room and shut the door. The man sat down and started to get even angrier about the little boy's questions. How dare he ask such questions only to get some money!

After about an hour or so, the man had calmed down, and started to think: He may have been a little hard on his son. Maybe there was something he really needed to buy with that $10 and he really didn't ask for money very often. The man went to the door of the little boy's room and opened the door.

"Are you asleep, son?" He asked.
"No daddy, I'm awake," replied the boy.
"I've been thinking, maybe I was too hard on you earlier," said the man. "It's been a long day and I took out my aggravation on you. Here's the $10 you asked for."

The little boy sat straight up, smiling. "Oh, thank you daddy!" he exclaimed.

Then, reaching under his pillow he pulled out some crumpled up bills.

The man, seeing that the boy already had money, started to get angry again. The little boy slowly counted out his money, then looked up at his father.

"Why do you want more money if you already have some?" the father grumbled.

"Because I didn't have enough, but now I do," the little boy replied.

"Daddy, I have $20 now. Can I buy an hour of your time? Please come home early tomorrow. I would like to have dinner with you."
-Unknown Author

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Butterfly Kisses

Bob Carlisle & Randy Thomas

There's two things I know for sure.
She was sent here from heaven,

and she's daddy's little girl.

As I drop to my knees by her bed at night,

she talks to Jesus, and I close my eyes.

And I thank God for all of the joy in my life,

But most of all, for...

Butterfly kisses after bedtime prayer.

Stickin' little white flowers all up in her hair.

"Walk beside the pony daddy, it's my first ride."

"I know the cake looks funny, daddy, but I sure tried."

Oh, with all that I've done wrong,

I must have done something right

To deserve a hug every morning,

And butterfly kisses at night.

Sweet sixteen today,

She's looking like her momma

a little more everyday.

One part woman, the other part girl.

To perfume and makeup, form ribbons and curls.

Trying her wings outin a great big world.

But I remember...

Butterfly kisses after bedtime prayer.

Stickin' little white flowers all up in her hair.

"You know how much I love you daddy,

But if you don't mind,

I'm only going to kiss you on the cheek this time."

With all that I've done wrong

I must have done something right.

To deserve her love every morning,

And butterfly kisses at night.

All the precious time

Like the wind, the years go by Precious butterfly

Spread your wings and fly

She'll change her name today.

She'll make a promise,

and I'll give her away.

Standing in the bride

roomjust staring at her,

she asked me what I'm thinking,

and I said "I'm not sure,

I just feel like I'm losing my baby girl."

Then she leaned over....and gave me....

Butterfly kisses, with her mama there

Sticking little flowers all up in her hair

"Walk me down the aisle, daddy, it's just about time."

"Does my wedding gown look pretty, daddy?"

"Daddy, don't cry."

With all that I've done wrong,

I must have done something right

To deserve her love every morning,

And butterfly kisses

I couldn't ask God for more, man, this is what love is

I know I've gotta let her go,

but I'll always remember

Every hug in the morning, and butterfly kisses...

Lately, I made myself busy on some crafts for our baby. I remembered this poem, and so I made some paper butterfly and am sticking it on our walls together with some paper flowers. There isn't much like these that our dear daughter can see in Saudi Arabia aside from dusts, some dates palm, few trees and desert grass so I have to find way for her to learn about nature. And of course shower her with butterfly kisses too. I have to take photo of our wall once I finished it.

My Thanks

I was gone for a while due to the demands of being a housewife and a mother.
I feel elated as I checked my e-mail and found a very sweet "Beautiful Blogger Award" which I have posted minutes ago at my side bar. Thank you.

The Beautiful Blogger Award

Awarded to Shiela

Awarded to Shiela

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Finally 3-Months

Yesterday my little angel reached three months! She's growing up too fast, and I always tell my husband how I wish she will remain a baby forever. But I know that is so unfair for her, and I cannot withhold to her that right. Right now, we are enjoying every moment with her, seeing her grow.
She is a very talkative baby now, and would always respond to us in her baby talk manner which we cannot understand but is very fascinating! Last night, she keeps on kicking, mumbling, and laughing till 3:00am today, I don't know what she is up to but she seems to be telling her story to me.

Very first picture right few minutes after delivery. She seems to be smilling isn't she?

...close up pic the following morning Apr. 16 11:25am

...and another pose, isn't that cute?

...another pose with dad, as he said "friendster pose"

...barely one month old

...first captured laugh pretty princess posing a smile.

...I'm still sorting her pics and will update this post next time.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

I Broke My Helper

I know mom's will understand how it feels to lose one of the most important things in the house. This afternoon, I am very thankful that Heavenne is well behaved and sleeping soundly so I take the advantage of cleaning the entire house. As I was cleaning the other room, I noticed the vacuum cleaner isn't working well and I could still feel dusts on the carpet. I don't know what to do! My hero is still at work, and checking and repairing appliances isn't mine. Sometimes, I wonder why in our time, given all the comforts of life (cellphones, washing machines, vacuum cleaners, airconditioners, etc.), why does it feel difficult not to have one and we feel so helpless working without them? In old times, I believe women still manage to have a well organized homes without the comfort of appliances such as vacuum cleaner. sigh.

A Family Home Evening To Remember

Having family home evenings is a challenge for me and my dear husband. Sometimes it looks like an extended daily scripture study. I wonder oftentimes if there is anything we can do to make it more fun for the three of us?

Last night, I prepared the food early, we ate and then had stroll on the neighboring stores on our area. When we arrived home, we had our family home evening.

Dear daddy was assigned to give the lesson, and he talked about the prayer of the brother of Jared and how important it is to pray, before we ended the family home evening we tried putting this nearly three-month old Heavenne to her bed but as soon as her back hits the top of her bed she woke up and cried.

We're having a hard time figuring out what's wrong with her. She always sticks out her tongue and puts her fingers inside her mouth. Last Sunday night, she wouldn't sleep until 6:00 am monday. She always wakes up everytime we lay her down on her bed. And its only my husband who can put her to sleep on his arms, and she wouldn't if I'm the one holding her. I guess he had corrupted her mind to be a daddy's girl at an early age.

Anyway, we decided to put her on our bed. You wouldn't believe it, she was smiling and laughing as we put her down. Is that all what she wants, to sleep with us? We spent the next 30 mins watching her smile and play with us. This little girl has her own way of getting what she wants, so we co-sleep last night and she woke up at 7:00am this morning and after feeding her she went back to sleep till 12:00 noon, fed her again and she's still sleeping at this time (3:30pm). But I'm grateful for the time we had together last night as a family. We're specially grateful that last night we had the first family fun game of playing with I'm looking forward for the family home evening where she can give the prayer or lesson, but that will be a long time from now.

We hope you friends also had a wonderful family home evening last night!